Beiträge von ESTERA12

    Thanks a lot for your reply. Pachouli is now better. I see that it need more water that I mean. Also , can you suggest me in which kind of soil I must take for transplant (acid, basic, neutral) jiaogulan, basilikum wildes purpur, yacon, schmetterlingswicke, udo, henna, vetiver, jamaicathymian, lakrittagetes,brahmi, passionsblume, arabischer jasmin, chinesischer teejasmin, patchouli, teebaum, europaischer kalmus. I received this plants for you. I guess that I must transplant it in bigger pots (now in the small pots) but I am not sure if some of this plants needs special kind of soil. Can you specific me which plants I must transplant in acid, which in neutral in which in basic soil? Thanks a lot for your help in advance.

    Five days ago I received Indisches Patchouli .After I received plant I put a little water in the soil. Today, it has slightly hung leaves and branches. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. I would ask for your advice.